Signature Social Style

Create your signature social style for your next photoshoot or event that creates a stand-out iconic brand visually with content creation for brand consistency both offline and online.


Showcase your brand with style

There’s no point in trying to create content like everyone else. Especially if nothing seems to be working for you. *Or so you think!

What is your way of showing up online that feels good to you, highlights your strengths and that shows your unique style and personality?

You might think you’re boring but trust me, you’re not!

I invite you to discover your SIGNATURE SOCIAL STYLE 🫶

Let’s start by looking at where you’re at with your socials.



You’re not getting results with your social media content

If creating content feels like a chore, it’s time to create in a way that lights up your soul, and your followers!


You’ve lost your mojo on socials

Let’s create a plan to help you get back into the momentum of posting consistently. Or outsource to my Angel Team of VAs. 


You struggle to come up with original ideas relevant to your biz

Instead of spending hours scrolling for content ideas which drains your creativity and confidence, there’s a way to intuitively tap into original content ideas perfect for your biz.


You know marketing is essential, but it's taking you too long

With my help as a productivity queen, I’ll teach you a simple content creation process that will have you overflowing with ideas and turning them into posted content in half the time. 



Karen, I can’t thank you enough. I have a whole new appreciation of how important it is to have your services BTS recording additional content.

You have turned my photos and videos into useful content for my business beyond the shoot.
You took the images knowing how to use them beyond just the day. This is just so valuable.

Social Style with Bel from Department of Style

client story

Meet Bel, Perth stylist...

Bel from Department of Style hired me to come to her brand photoshoot with Zoe from Alchemy Brand Studio so that I could capture the behind the scenes photos and videos that she could use on her socials and website.

It’s so important to maximise your photoshoot and turn it into useful content for your business beyond the shoot.

With all of the content I took at her photoshoot, I was able to convert it into different social media formats across all of her platforms.

This is the beauty of repurposing! Where her content is doing the work of marketing her business for her 24/7, especially while she’s not actually working!

And this is smart marketing!

If you’re ready to have me take care of all your BTS reels/video filming for your whole shoot, this is for you. We’ll create some *epic* content to last for months beyond the photoshoot. 


What's your social style?

This is perfect for your next photoshoot, event, when you’re in your zone of genius doing your work or you need a content boost.

I’ll be your BTS gal capturing the essence of who you are and what you do so we can create social media content for months to come.

I’ve found that what stops entrepreneurs from showing up on their socials is having amazing content in the form of videos and photos that reflects who they uniquely are and what they have to offer.

And they don’t have time to create social media posts!

Having amazing photos and videos on your camera roll isn’t enough. We don’t want them sitting there not getting used and missing a golden opportunity to showcase YOU!!

It’s about boosting that content and showcasing it in different media formats across all of your platforms (the beauty of repurposing where your content is doing the work while you’re not actually working).

Gosh, I love this stuff!!! Can you tell?!

This is how we work together as a dream team 👇

Step 1: Your Signature Style

We’ll get started by discovering your own unique style with stylist Bel from Department of Style who can makeover your style and wardrobe for any occasion in life and business. You’ll feel and look a million dollars and this will show through in your content.

Step 2: Photographer

We’ll book an incredible photographer who will take your brand to the next level. Or we can do it ourselves at a location of your choice to match your style and brand.

Step 3: Shoot Day!

It’s content shoot day! This is where you get to shine and I’ll be snapping away behind the scenes and capturing everything so that you have content that lasts beyond the photoshoot for months to come across all platforms.

Step 4: Content Creation

I get creative by taking all of the content and piecing it together to create all the different content formats from stories, reels, carousels, posts, emails, blogs and so much more! PLUS adding a matching message that resonates with your audience.


You can sit back knowing that you have nailed your social style and get to show it off!!!

You’re back in the flow of posting amazing content consistently AND looking and feeling fabulous too.

Module 1

Your Headline Goes Here

Topping candy canes gingerbread jelly gummies powder caramels tart powder tootsie roll sugar plum jujubes.

Module 2

Your Headline Goes Here

Topping candy canes gingerbread jelly gummies powder caramels tart powder tootsie roll sugar plum.

Module 3

Your Headline Goes Here

Topping candy canes gingerbread jelly gummies powder caramels tart powder tootsie roll sugar plum jujubes.

Module 4

Your Headline Goes Here

Topping candy canes gingerbread jelly gummies powder caramels tart powder tootsie roll sugar plum.

What our customer say

Highlight the Testimonial of Your Student to Show How Your Course Has Helped Them.

Bonuses (Value $297)

Enroll now and you’ll also get these 3 bonus trainings totally FREE! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed iaculis dapibus risus ut bibendum.

$149 value

Bonus Title Goes Here

Chocolate cake apple pie plum cheesecake cotton candy liquorice soufflé cotton candy pudding sugar.

$99 value

Bonus Title Goes Here

Chocolate cake apple pie plum cheesecake cotton candy liquorice soufflé cotton candy pudding sugar.

$79 value

Bonus Title Goes Here

Chocolate cake apple pie plum cheesecake cotton candy liquorice soufflé cotton candy pudding sugar.
Unlimited access to the resource vault
Monthly live coaching sessions
accountability to boost your revenue
Study at the pace that works for you

Extra Support


Weekly Group Call

Lollipop tiramisu bear claw pie muffin caramels macaroon cotton candy. Jelly brownie candy sugar plum caramels.


Private Facebook Group

Bonbon lollipop halvah sugar plum pastry croissant donut chocolate bar lollipop tootsie roll candy canes tiramisu.


Workbook & Checklist

Apple pie jelly-o bonbon danish jujubes jujubes. Oat cake dragée shortbread jelly-o toffee pie chocolate shortbread.

Choose the payment plan

That’s a Total Value of over $1,500

Best Value (Save $94)

One-time payment of


Most Flexible

3 monthly payments of


“Chocolate cake apple candy liquorice cheesecake soufflĂ© cotton pudding sugar plum. Jelly dragĂ©e gummi bears chupa chups sesame snaps halvah muffin bear lollipop cotton gingerbread.”

Client name here

“Lemon drops jujubes fruitcake gummi bears halvah cake jujubes sweet. Candy canes wafer croissant cheesecake bear claw cotton candy gingerbread. Cookie tart donut sweet gingerbread sesame.”

Client name here

“Cake halvah sweet cotton marzipan. Cheesecake marshmallow oat cake pie fruitcake halvah sweet roll liquorice cheesecake powder. Liquorice carrot cake ice cream soufflĂ© cake carrot bonbon. Pie cookie marzipan lollipop.”

Client name here

“Sesame snaps soufflĂ© croissant halvah ice cream chocolate cake chocolate icing wafer. Sugar plum cookie sweet dragĂ©e marzipan. Oat cake sugar plum lemon drops caramels apple pie. Cake dessert cheesecake croissant pastry.

Client name here

How it works

What Happens After You Purchase

01. Enroll in the Course Now
Chocolate apple cheesecake cotton candy liquorice soufflé cotton candy pudding sugar.
02. Check Your Email Inbox
Chocolate apple cheesecake cotton candy liquorice soufflé cotton candy pudding sugar.
03. Get Instant Access
Chocolate apple cheesecake cotton candy liquorice soufflé cotton candy pudding sugar.

Who is this for

Make This Your Best Investment

Chocolate cake apple pie cheesecake cotton candy liquorice soufflé cotton candy pudding sugar plum. Jelly dragée gummi bears candy chupa chups sesame snaps halvah.

This is RIGHT for you if:

This is NOT for you if:

Meet your CONTENT coach

Hi, I'm Karen

I’m a Perth-based Coach and Content Creator, wife, mum to two daughters and a lover of iced lattes and summer sunsets.

I started my business 6 years ago and discovered that I loved creating content on social media for my own business and my clients. Instagram is one of my fave places to hang out. Come and say hello here.

My zone of genius is helping you tap into yours, letting your unique personality, brand and energy shine through your content and permeate into all areas of your life and business.

All while having fun (of course!) as you grow your business, impact and audience.

As seen in:

Choose the payment plan

Ready to Get Results Like These?

One-time payment of


3 monthly payments of



Frequently Asked Questions

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Get in touch

Curious to know more?

I love connecting with you and answering your burning questions about the Signature Social Style or creating a bespoke package to suit you and your business.Â