Welcome to July and a new financial year if you’re an Aussie!
We are well into the depths of winter this month in the Southern Hemisphere and for our Northern friends, you are really getting into that summer holiday spirit. July has you covered with days like Pina Colada Day and Ice Cream Day!
Download my Social Media Content Planners to help you plan your content in less time. Check them out here >
Then with your content scheduled and ready to go, you can sit back and focus on more important things!
Month-Long Events:
Disability Pride Month
Dry July
Christmas in July
Plastic Free July
1 July
AIME National Hoodie Day
Comic Sans Day
Canada Day
First day of financial year (Aus)
International Joke Day
Tour de France begins
2 July
I Forgot Day
Made in the USA Day
World UFO Day
3 July
International Plastic Bag Free Day
NAIDOC week (3-10 July)
4 July
Alice in Wonderland Day
Independence Day – USA
Invisible day
5 July
Workaholics Day
6 July
International Kissing Day
7 July
Tell the Truth Day
World Chocolate Day
8 July
Be a Kid Again Day
Video Games Day
9 July
Don’t Put all your Eggs in One Omelet Day
10 July
Pina Colada Day
Teddy Bears’ Picnic Day
11 July
Cheer up the Lonely Day
Diabetes Week starts (11-17th July)
World Population Day
12 July
Cow Appreciation day
Different Coloured Eyes Day
Malala Day
Simplicity Day
13 July
Embrace Your Geekness Day
French Fries Day
Gruntled Workers Day
14 July
Full Moon
Shark Awareness Day
Tape Measure Day
15 July
Gummi Worm Day
I love Horses day
Katherine Show Day NT
National Be a Dork Day
World Youth Skills Day
17 July
Ice Cream day
Tattoo Day
World Day for International Justice
World Emoji Day
Yellow Pig Day
18 July
Get Out of the Doghouse Day
Hug Your Kid Day
Nelson Mandela International Day
World Listening Day
20 July
International Chess Day
Moon Day (first landing on the moon)
Space Exploration Day
21 July
Invite an Alien to Live with You Day
Get to know your customers Day
Take a Monkey to Lunch Day
22 July
Hammock Day
Hot Dog Day
Pyjama Day
Pi Approximation Day
Splendour in the Grass festival (Byron Bay)
23 July
Hot Enough for Ya Day
Stress Down Day (Lifeline)
24 July
Amelia Earhart Day
Cousins Day
Drive-Thru Day
Donate Life Week (24 – 31st July)
Parents’ Day
25 July
Drowning Prevention Day
International Red Shoe Day
Wine and Cheese Day
26 July
All or Nothing Day
Aunt and Uncles Day
Pain Week (26-31st July)
27 July
Take your Pants for a Walk Day
28 July
Milk Chocolate Day
World Nature Conservation Day
29 July
Intern Day
International Tiger Day
Lasagna Day
Lipstick Day
Tree day
New Moon
Schools Tree Day
30 July
Australian Outback Marathon
Father-in-Law Day
International Day of Friendship
World Snorkelling Day
31 July
Avocado Day
Jump for Jelly Beans Day
Make your life easier with these social media content planners to help you plan, strategise and schedule your content ahead of time. Check them out here >