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Automate Your Business Checklist & Tech Stack


For ultra organisation & to set up your business with automation so that it’s marketing itself 24/7 & making money while you sleep!

This checklist accompanies the Masterclass: Automate Your Business which goes into detail about how to set these up. I share my screen and show you the tech tools inside of the Masterclass.

Also, this checklist is specific to service-based businesses and is my recommended tech tools that I’ve used. Of course there are hundreds of apps, tech and tools you can use and so I recommend
doing your own research and finding the ones that are suitable for your business (or your client’s) and what you are trying to achieve.

Enjoy this shortcut to tech savvy-ness.


I believe that less tech is better and sticking to the KISS technique – Keep It Simple Sweetheart!

Tech isn’t hard, it just takes time to set it up and that’s why business owners love to outsource this stuff. Once you know your way around tech & know what you’re doing it’s relatively quick and easy.

Tech is designed for non-techy people so it’s time to dive in. You might just find that you love this stuff like I do.

This is a big list and it’s why I recommend setting up your business properly from the start or as you are setting things up.

As they say: start the way you intend to continue. There’s nothing worse than having to go back and organise things when you could have done it from the start and saved so much time.

This checklist includes 55 of the tech tools I’ve used in my business and my clients’ businesses. I’ve also included clickable links to take you straight to each tech tool along with an interactive checklist to keep you organised.

Note: this checklist is included for free inside the Masterclass to Automate Your Business.

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